The Walks
For Young Immigrants in Israel
Helping teens fleeing Ukraine and Russia rebuild their life in Israel
The project supported by the National Library of Israel, ANU Museum of Jewish People, UJA Federation of New York.
The Walks! Download this short PDF presentation and share it with like-minded people and organizations.
Why we’ve launched our project and what its participants say
The Walks project was created to help the teens forced out of Ukraine and Russia by the war find their place in Israel.
Thousands of families have headed to Israel after Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. This was not a planned emigration. People were forced to leave their established life behind.
Immigrant teens belong to one of the most vulnerable groups. They arrive broken by the abrupt changes. They feel lonely, anxious, and depressed.
These teens require immediate help.
They need compassion, understanding, a trustworthy community, and captivating activities.
In March 2022 The Walks project was launched to turn the turmoil of emigration into community building.
“I spent days in my bed because walking out on my own felt terrifying…”
“My mom was caught by police in Russia because my sister and I have been protesting the war…”
“I woke up in the morning and found out that in 4 days we are leaving our home for good…”
Watch this video to discover what the kids from our project had been through before they landed in Israel.
The Walks project is rapidly growing. It takes a village to raise 120 teens who participate in the project today.
Here are some of the ways you can make an impact:
Lead a workshop! We constantly introduce the teens to Israeli artists, scholars, scientists, and leaders. Many of them in the past were also young immigrants. Share your experience!
Tell the world about us! We are looking for like-minded people and organizations. Know some? Send their way this one-pager.
Volunteer with us! We strongly need Russian- or Ukrainian-speaking volunteer psychologists.
A meeting space, art materials, museum tickets, and transportation are among other things we would highly appreciate!
We would love to hear from you!
The future Israeli society is being woven right now.
With your help we can make it better!
“I don’t know where I would be right now if it wasn’t for the “Wild Walks”.
The “Wild Walks” is something that rescues me in Israel.
When I arrived here I had no idea what to do, how, why, for what, or where.
Now I have people, places, and stories that anchor me in Jerusalem.”
“After COVID and then after the war broke out our kids had lost their social skills, we all became anxious. Now we are finally calming down, the kids start thriving again.
It’s amazing that this [Wild Walks project] exists.
We are a little over a month here, and Arina suddenly joined this project and liked it a lot.
When she got involved in this [Art laboratory] event in the National Library, she just flourished.
She comes home hot-eyed, and we, the parents, get hot-eyed, too.
Since she got involved in the project, she keeps sharing bits and pieces of her creative activities, chatters, tells stories about the people here. It’s just wonderful to watch her!”
— more than 350 teenagers — 8 groups — 4 cities — 2 countries
— more than 350 teenagers — 8 groups — 4 cities — 2 countries
The Walks project introduces the teens to Israeli people, places, traditions, and opportunities. We connect immigrant youth with local peers and educators.
We make art together, considering this a major tool for social integration.
The first “wild walk” took place on March 10, 2022. Since then every single week we go out with the groups of teens. Here is what we do during these walks: